Spend your time in accounting wisely by making sure that every accounting base is covered with the right people doing the right jobs irrespective of their location/time/device.
Unlimited multiple user logins can help to organize all the accounting bases with superior team coordination.
Simultaneous access by multiple users
Output Books can be accessed simultaneously by multiple devices by multiple users from anywhere on anytime.
Unlimited Multiple Users under one roof
- Create as many users as you wish in Output Books.
- Access Output books from several user accounts and make accounting done time to time.
- No more wait for other users or accountants to create a invoice or perform any other accounting work.
- Allows access of several users at the same time.
- Provides web-based accessibility to use from anywhere on any time.
- Allows each individual user to follow particular set of clients.
Standard/Typical user roles and privileges
Administrator is the one who has the entire control over the software.Probably administrator logins first and foremost and configure the settings,create users and assign corresponding privileges to various users. With the permissions set, the users will only be able to access that data that the administrator would have set on while creating user roles.
Accountant will have access to everything except the Configuration Settings.He can freely access all other data and manage financial transactions.
User with this role can record sales related entries as quotes,invoice and others. Most likely,Sales manager will have this role.
User with this role is granted access to both sales and purchase related entries.
Customized user roles
Output Books grants authorization to create customized multiple user roles too.
You can create as many customized roles as you want and make accounting simpler and easier with this smart accounting software.
Such users can have access to certain data respective to the assigned privileges.
Try Output books for free